Thursday, July 12, 2007

Mermaids & Pirates at Olive Kids

Everyone loves to pack up a picnic lunch and head off to the beach! If it was only that easy! Going to the beach is much different when you have kids. When you were single it was as easy as packing a lunch, bringing a blanket and you never forgot the radio! After kids you also have to bring the sun screen, sand toys, numerous towels, change of clothes, wet naps to wash off the sand before they eat and you always seem to forget the one thing you truly need! One thing we bring to the beach no matter what our age is our imagination! You build sand castles, bury people in the sand, jump waves, take a dive ...and if your are young or young at heart you think about pirates and buried treasure and hope you get to see a mermaid when you dare to open your eyes underwater! At Olive Kids we have a lot of fun mermaids and pirates bedding and accessories so you can bring that imagination into your kids room. Olive Kids believes that a decorating a kid’s room should be fun, affordable and you can have it in your home in a couple of days... So what do you think?

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