Tuesday, November 27, 2007

What's in a Name? Everything!

It identifies who we are, some babies get named after someone in their family to carry on a name. Others get their names from an actor or actress that their parents loved, their favorite musician, a song or a name they heard and liked.

My brother and his wife wanted all of their kids names to start with the letter T (to be honest I think it was mostly my sister-in-law but anyway) so she started with Traeger, then added Taegon... then came Tarif ...and last but not least is little Tauno. They are all the cutest kids, but you can't find anything that comes personalized in a retail store for them! Which brings me to my point no matter how your kids got their name at Olive Kids we can put any name on our new Name Tags!

We can also personalized our placemats, clocks, framed prints, unframed prints, floor pillows and now our NEW name tags just for them! No more looking through the racks at retail stores hoping that someone might have thought to put you kids name on their product only to be disappointed!

Our personalized Name tags will help you know who's backpack is who's and which sports bag to grab at the end of a game, what music case your kids should put their instrument in...and the list goes on!
It's will make a great Stocking Stuffer, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa Gift!

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