Friday, June 19, 2009

Memories of Summer Reading

Believe it or not school will soon be out for the summer here in New Hampshire. It's later than usual because we had terrible ice storms that took out our electricity, causing schools to closed for more than a week.

At first kids were excited that they didn't have to go to school for another week (it was on the end of winter vacation) but when they realized school would have to last longer in the summer they were not happy.

I can still remember when the bell rang at the end of the day, on the last day of school before summer vacation - it was so exciting. Summertime meant riding our bikes everywhere, hanging out with our cousins, going to the beach with my parents, and staying out till the street lights came on - the good old days.

One my best memories is when we would get one of those steaming hot nights (we didn't have air conditioning) and sleeping was impossible. So my parents would load all 5 kids into the station wagon (you know the one with the fake wood paneling) and we would drive to the beach and lay under the weeping willow tree. My parents would read stories to us until we fell asleep, bookmarking the place they left off for our next night time visit. Then they would pick us up sound asleep and put us into the cars and then into our beds. As each of us got older we took turns doing the reading and helping to pick up our younger siblings! I believe that is one of the main reasons I love to read today!

I can still remember what the bookmark looked like and how excited we were to begin where we had left off the last time we read together.

You can help your kids get the love of reading by getting them their very own personalized bookmark or have one made with your family name for time spent reading together. Loving to read will help your kids in school, it will build up their imagination and you will never hear the words I am bored because they always have an adventure at their finger tips. We have designs for everyone in the family! Priced at only $8.99 it's an easy inexpensive way to help them nurture their love for reading.

1 comment:

Junior beds said...

I love the personalized bookmarks! I'll be buying them for my son when he learns not to throw around his things (he's only 2).