Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Does anybody know what time it is...

As you all know Olive Kids takes kid's clocks to the next level. Not only do they coordinate with our kid bedding line you can also put your kid's names on them.

Well Jodi over at the blog mom's favorite stuff did a review of our clock that I thought you would like to read.

Time for A Personalized Clock

I’ve decorated a total of three kids’ rooms/nurseries (we moved once), and the one item that is so easily forgotten is a clock. My son’s room was seemingly perfect - I thought I was an “expert” from having already decorated my oldest’s room. Then, one day while nursing him (my own watch off so he wouldn’t scratch his head) I realized that I had absolutely no idea how much time had passed. I hadn’t even thought of adding a clock to the room, because it wasn’t something that was sold to match the decor.

Finding a baby and toddler appropriate clock is difficult. So, thankfully, the online boutique Olive Kids has a fabulous selection that is kid appropriate, fun, and best of all, personalized! For my son, we received the perfect clock, the Wild Animals style. It’s got just the right colors to match his room, without being too matchy. It’ll also be great even when he’s older, because what boy doesn’t like wild animals? The quality is great - it’s solid without being too heavy.

Olive Kids also offers other great personalized kids items, such as floor pillows, tags, placemats, and framed artwork. You can check out the whole collection of kids items at http://www.olivekids.com.

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