Saturday, April 12, 2008

Olive Kid Shower Curtain review

Review done by Baby Buy Products!

I never had trouble, while on vacation as a child, finding various trinkets that had my name on them. You couldn't spit without hiting another Laura in the 80's. I hated it. I vowed that when I had a kid, I would name them something uncommon, but not weird. Turns out, Little Miss has a name that is just that, uncommon but not weird. The only problem is that someday I know she is going to reach the age where not finding her name on the itsy-bitsy license plate for her bike is going to be a problem.

Enter Olive Kids, a great online store for all your personalizing needs. Not only personalized stuff, they have stinkin' cute bedding, room decor and other great stuff for kids' to call their own. I am a big supporter of letting kids be kids for as long as possible. They have enough time ahead of them to have "grown-up stuff". That is one of the reasons I love Olive Kids- their designs are not too silly, but still for kids. Olive kids is also a great way to steer your little one away from a brand-name-bedroom. They have tons of stuff that kids love- pirates, mermaids, robots, cowboys, and animals.

Olive kids sent us an awesome shower curtain for our one bathroom. Having one bathroom, I am pretty much stuck with a kid theme, but that's ok- it never fails to cheer me up when I go in and see all the fun colors and mermaids. The pattern of dancing mermaids is cute without being too cutesie. It is sweet but not overly so and I love the bold colors. We also have a great pirate growth chart that is going to hang in Mr. Man's big boy room when we move. It is on heavy paper and will look great in his room.

Overall Score ***: Love this shop and love these great items that let kids be kids and let them all have something with their own name printed on it.

Be sure to click on her link on the right hand side bar and see all the great comments about our products!

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