Friday, November 21, 2008

Thanksgiving Traditions

Thanksgiving traditions are sometimes handed down generation after generation; other are introduced to the family through marriage, family friends or just because you came up with a good idea and everyone liked it!
When I was a child our tradition was to go to my Nana's on my mom's side. My Nana was a very proper French lady, eating at her house was like being at a very fancy restaurant. She was a wonderful cook, but very very old fashion; the girls has to do all the dishes by hand! My sister and I were the only girls in the family so while everyone else was relaxing we were doing all the dishes! No matter how many times we said that our two brothers should help us Nana would not change her mind. Our brother loved it!

Thanksgiving is now at my mom's and it's a little more relaxed than at Nana's. Our family has grown so much; that we had to put up a kids' table. All the kids really want to be at the grown up table, but there just isn't enough room. My parents are very happy that they have 16 grand children and a great grand child on the way. But their dining room table only fits 12 people and if you add in the number of adults you get a grand total of 32! My brothers only come with their family every other year so the adult can fit at the table but not the kids.

Two years ago when I started working at Olive Kids I noticed that we made beautiful Thanksgiving placemats. I decided to buy them for the kid's table to make them feel special. Well it worked! The kids loved them! They have already asked Nana if they could use them again this year

Yes, I still have to the dishes with but with help from everyone including the boys and a dishwasher!


What's your Thanksgiving Tradition? Leave me a comment telling me your tradition along with how many kids are going to be at your thanksgiving table or at the "kids table" and you could win thanksgiving placemats for the kids in your family! Comments close on Monday at 7:00 am EST so they can made and delivered in time for your Thanksgiving dinner gathering! Good Luck!



Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

We don't have a real set tradition. All my sisters and brothers get together and we always have turkey. It's huge (just my immediate family) because there are ten kids (i'm the oldest). We have turkey, and REAL potatoes & always play a game. It's so much fun!!!!! I love it. There will be 5 little kids on my side of the family this year! We also go to my husbands side where EVERYONE gets together. It's pretty hit or miss but we always play cards, never fail. There would be 11 if all the little kids came! =)
Thanks for a great giveaway. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!

Skippin' Rope said...

Actually my husband and I don't have any Thanksgiving Traditions yet. He will be gone for this Thanksgiving and I will be with his family to celebrate. Last year it was just us [right after a big move and our daughter's birth] and the year before was with my family. We have been in a different every Thanksgiving!

We do every year tell each other what we are thankful for and that is something we will continue to do. Other then that we are still figuring it all out.

At my table this year [well my father-in-laws!] there will be 3 kids! My daughter, my neice, and my brother-in-law [he is 13].

Thanks for the giveaway!

Heather said...

Since our daughter was born our tradition is just basically try to make it to two family dinners, 3 hours apart, that way our daughter gets to spend it with both families. We enjoy getting to eat 2 dinners that we don't have to cook ourselves :)

Hyperactive Lu said...

We haven't had a set Thanksgiving tradition. For the first few years of our marriage, holidays were miserable because we tried to make everyone else happy. Last year was the first year that we were able to do whatever we wanted. It didn't turn out exactly as we had hoped since I was 8 mos pregnant with a c-section scheduled in 3.5 weeks, but we still had a lovely day with just our family. This year will be similar. We are choosing what to do- no pressure- our decisions and its glorious! :) We will be having 2 kiddos at our table this year and eating dinner with my parents!

I love Olive Kids place mats! They are so cute!!! Great giveaway!

Heather said...

Making hand turkeys is a tradition that's carried over from my childhood days.

Heather said...

Oops, I forgot to mention how many were going to be at our table! We're a small family--this year there will be only seven of us, so the two kids get to sit at the "big people" table. :)

Miss E said...

Every year on Thanksgiving, we go to my great aunt's house. She cooks turkey, ham, greens, mac n cheese. We all watch movies and catch up on our lives. There is always a group of aunts and uncles playing spades. If everyone brings their kids, there will be 6 little kids there.

This is a great contest! Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Each year we get together with my nubby's side of the family to celebrate Thanksgiving. There's always lots of food, conversation, games and time to share what we are thankful for that year.

This year Thanksgiving will be celebrated at our little house and the kids' table will be filled with 9 kiddos ranging in age from two 13 year olde down to our twin 2 year olds.

This is such a fun giveaway!!
Shera (afroginmysoup at gmail dot com)

Anonymous said...

We travel 2 hours to eat with either my parents of in-laws ( switch every year). Then do dessert at the other.

Then we do our black friday shopping plan. All the women go together. The dads keep the kids

My2Gs said...

Our Thanksgiving tradition is fairly simple. We eat dinner at my mother in laws house and then go to my side of the family to gorge ourselves some more :) In my immediate family is my hubby, me, my little girl, and my baby boy. Thanks for the great giveaway :)

Candace April said...

Hi, Twitter Friend.

I'll steal one of my DH's...the men in the family gather around for a picture in sweater vests his great-aunt knitted.

Anonymous said...

I don't know that we have a particular Thanksgiving tradition that's meal related other than what we serve but we always watch a Christmas movie after dinner or go see one at the theater on Thanksgiving. (We've just got our 2 kids with us at the table!)

Anonymous said...

We are starting new traditions this year. My husband and I just moved back to the midwest so that our son could be around all of his grandparents, aunts/uncles, and cousins. Everyone is coming to our house for Thanksgiving this year. There will be there will be 6 kids at our family Thanksgiving. Everyone is bringing their favorite Thanksgiving side dish and I will cooking the turkey and stuffing. Should be a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Wonderful giveaway!

Anonymous said...

No kids at our Thanksgiving table. Ours are too old to kids & too young to have them:) The placemats are lovely though.

GeekMommy said...

This is going to sound a bit odd - but Thanksgiving was always a time of stress for me growing up.

So since my early 20's I've insisted that Thanksgiving was my "free to do whatever the heck I want" holiday. When I married my husband, he understood and has always been supportive of it. So now we just wait until shortly beforehand and I decide what would be least stressful.
Some years, it's doing the whole to-do at home and inviting people I like being around. Some years it's going to a restaurant.
This year? Home with friends and family.

So far? We have yet to have a stressful Thanksgiving! I want my daughter growing up to think that it's a fun holiday and time for thanks - not time to worry about whether the food is perfect or what will trigger the arguing. :)

Guess that's not the norm, but there you go!

A Love Dare Blog said...

Our family tradition to get together in one house. My family and my in-laws all come together to share the holiday. It's wonderful. There's A LOT of food and conversation. We watch football and the men drink their beer. :)
For the giveaway, there will be 3 little people at our table.
Thanks for the opportunity. :)

Anonymous said...

Before we say grace we go around the table and each member of the family names one thing they are the most thankful for during this year. It is really special, especially hearing what the kids are thankful for!

I have 5 kids coming to Thanksgiving and thanks for the chance to win :)


Anonymous said...

Our only tradition is to eat a monster meal at lunchtime, have the same food as leftovers for dinner and munch on what's left after that all week long. The day after Thanksgiving we start putting up Christmas decorations. Black Friday is probably the one day of the year when I refuse to go in ANY store. Too crazy. As for how many children, it depends who you ask. I think there will be five children at the table (all squeezed in), but the two teens claim they are not children.

cathy at domesticpsychology dot com

Binarypc said...

Our Thanksgiving we have always tried to find someone to share it with, that may not have family in the area or is far from home or has needed someone just to love on them a little bit. Instead of making Thanksgiving just about us, we like to share it. It doesn't matter the holiday, its always good to be made a part of it. The past couple of years we have been having it at my sisters & we are going to again this year. Her and her husband usually invite two sisters that are "adopted" or "inducted" family and we share it all together. Between our 5 and their 4 (one baby) I believe we will have 9 kids.

Anonymous said...

If the weather is good, we usually have a leaf-raking party while the turkey cooks on the grill.

Staci A said...

We usually take all the kids for a hay ride through my parents farm land. It's always cold, but they still have a lot of fun.

We have a total of 5 kids at our Thanksgiving dinner, my son, niece, nephew, and 2 cousins. They are all under 5 and would adore the placemats. Thanks for the chance to enter!

Anonymous said...

I live in Pittsburgh and my family is in CT. Every year for the last 4 years or so, my entire family has made the trek to Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving. This year we are renting a house about an hour away from Pittsburgh. There will be 5 kids at our table.

Renegade_Geek said...

We have dinner with my parents and my Dad's side of the family. Technically though my grandmother, who is now 89, is the hostess. There is always a big bowl of apples, oranges and nuts to snack from and a little tray of Andes dinner mints in honor of my Uncle Bill who passed a decade ago. My Dad and his brother Ronnie try to outdo each other with pies. And my sister and her family come up from Virginia to join us.

This year will be a much smaller bash than usual, since my Dad had a heart attack a little over a week ago, and needed open heart surgery. But we'll all be together and have much to be thankful for.

Renegade_Geek said...

Oh, and we'll have just four little ones this year. Forgot that part!

Anonymous said...

We don't have huge traditions just get together. With my hub's family there are 10 grandchildren. With mine there are just 3.