Saturday, March 8, 2008

Watch them Grow with Olive Kids Growth Charts

I was thinking about what to write about today and since I have been hoping for Spring to arrive it started me thinkiing about what signs I look for in the Spring. Buds blossoming on the trees, spring flowers poking through the snow, green grass, bird singing, squirrels running around, the spotting of some fawns stumbling along and of course my cat itching to go out and explore! Then I started thinking about when my kids were little we would alway measure how tall they had grown in the spring and the fall. We did it in their bedroom closet; you know what I mean a marker line drawn at the top of their head with the date. Now they are both taller than me and I measure them by saying things like - I can't believe how tall you are I only come up to your chin. Olive Kids makes keeping track of your kids height even better with our 10 colorful designed growth charts. Once you start keeping track you will be surprised how much or how little they grow at different times in their life!

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