Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Olive Kids give-away

Olive Kids sponsored a contest at! Katie Lyons who is the owner of this site was such a pleasure to work with and this is what she had to say about us!

If you are a parent and you haven't heard of Olive Kids yet, you definitely need to go check them out. Talk about your one stop shopping for your kid! They have a bunch of cute designs, from robots, to mermaids, to pirates, to butterflies, etc. etc., you'll have no problem finding something to suit the little tyke in your life. And once you find the design you like, they have about a million products for you to get it on! (Okay, maybe not a million....but a lot) You can completely coordinate your child's room, their bedding, rug, pillows, wall art, clock, even the knobs on their dresser! Plus, they will get to take their favorite design out of their room as well. They can get their own placemat, magnets, even shower curtains! Almost makes me want to be a kid again so Calvin's not the only one having all the fun! :)

I mean, he got his own Personalized Pack and all of the designs are so bright and fun, I love them! I had to get the placemat in the Pirates design because it looks like a treasure map and I know I would have had a blast with that when I was younger. And how cool is that robot? As soon as I saw that robot nametag, I knew Calvin had to have it. And though he may not be able to use any of these yet (except for his awesome-o dinosaur clock), I know he's going to love them in the future. What little boy wouldn't? And in the meantime, I get to use the bookmark (I can't help it, it's so fun, and very sturdy, way better than my paper bookmark I was using before), and I just might be tempted to use that placemat sometime....I deserve to have fun too you know! ;) Oh and one other thing I wanted to mention to you mommas, they are all really great quality; sturdy as well as being very professionally printed. So no worries there.

Like I said, if you're a parent, you need to go check out Olive Kids ASAP, especially since the holidays are coming and I can think of more than a few kids that would be very excited to get some of the cool stuff they have at Olive Kids!

She had 365 people enter the contest! The lucky winner received their very own personalized pack of Olive Kids products.

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