Monday, October 20, 2008

Here's what Momma in Flips Flops has to say about OK?

Once you have kids it seems like your always on the look out for something different, unique and fun that your kids are going to love that you love too, right? Visit Olive Kids and that's exactly what you'll find.

Olive kids has great colorful kid designs in your classic loving designs that you'll fall in love with. Everything from accessories, bedding, clocks, art work, and many amazing personalized items. You won't get bored looking through their site and I know there will be many things you will want to add to your list. Read all about Olive Kids by clicking here.

I as well as my kids were thrilled to review their personalized placemats and bookmarks. It was so fun just to pick out the design that each of them wanted and then to get them in the mail and use them daily is even more fun. The placemats are definitely a great thing to add to meal time, helping keep the messes cleaned up and they are made in such a way that the corners haven't curled up and still look as good as the day we got them. The bookmarks are fun and used a lot here. My son even at age 3 knows what they're for and loves to add it to his book if we have to take breaks while reading. Personalized items are always lots of fun!

Get your hands on something fabulous from Olive Kids for the holidays, I know the bedding would be an exceptional gift and all the accesories that go along with it. =)

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