Friday, May 8, 2009

I mom writes us to tell us

That she did a blog post about her purchase of our dinosaurland bedding, here is what Terri from my brand name baby has to say about Olive Kids:

"STAT.....that's how quickly I need to learn the pronunciations of all the dinosaurs' names. (And, based on how hard it was for me to spell pronunciations, I'm thinking I'm in trouble.) My daughter has taken an interest in the prehistoric set, and I find myself shopping for the big, ugly creatures, when I could be hanging out in Strawberry Shortcake-land. Case in point, we were looking in the toy section of our local superstore last week and when we walked by the barbies, she gave them a cursory glance and said "pretty". Then, she spotted a huge, horrible, dinosaur skeleton from across toy section, and took off running. Her eyes were as big as saucers, and she said "beautiful".

So, being the good Mom I'm trying to be, I'm looking for all things dinosaur. My first stop is one of my favorite shops, Olive Kids. They have 96 items listed in their Dinosaurland and I feel like I've struck gold! Even I have to admit, the Toddler Bed Set is really fun and while you are there, a personalized placemat is a must.

Olive Kids has many themes to choose from, so there is something for every parent's (I mean child's) taste. Stop by and spend some time looking at Olive Kids today.

Now, I'm off to find a dictionary....."

Thanks Teri we are so glad you and your son loved his new Olive Kids Dinosaurland Bedding!

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